Phobos Reactor featuring TFG (TONTTU) – “Hyi, ihmisiä”

Does society feel like it is screwing you over and that the human scum of the world get in your way, trying to drive you insane with their general stupidity? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone! Phobos Reactor with guest TFG (Troll Finder General) are assailing your ears with the single, “Hyi, ihmisiä” which simply means ew, people, out on the Pancimachine label.

Illanvietto” is the first track on Bandcamp, and this means social evening, though quite frankly, I do believe this requires human interaction. Anyhoo, I highly suggest watching the Youtube videos for a translated version of the Finnish lyrics. The music is a throwback to a more analogue sound, where our hero of the hour is inebriated just so he can deal with others of his species, in his own fashion and delicate ways, all to an electronic sound track that probably doesn’t care about his issues with this night.

Of course, you just kind of know that “Hyi, ihmisiä” is going to go kind of off the rails and leave the reservation, and so behold the introduction of the occasional angry guitar, space aliens and the vocals of a chap who thinks he’s a pretty neat fellow to pass time with, but we all know he needs to remove that stick from his rectum.

Like gnomes were not bad enough…..

Hyi, ihmisiä | Phobos Reactor feat. TFG (TONTTU) | PANICMACHINE (

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