α Ori & Yaka-Anima – “Alone In The Network”

July saw the release of the concept album, “Alone In The Network” by α Ori and Yakaanima. Julian A Lacroix’s experimental project is α Ori, composing dark ambient/electronic pieces. Yakaanima is Sábila Orbe from Chile who is also the programmer for his other experimental music project, the duo, Humanfobia.

Alone In The Network” is of course the title track and starts the album off ominously with its slow beat and a female, who sounds like she is in a clinical void, talking over the top.

The electronic journey continues with “Blue Lights” with its fusion of regular synth with experimental bleeps and keeps an interesting rhythm.

Now you can feel the futuristic adventure taking on form and speeding up. “Stretched Plain” is aloof and imperious. What is that woman telling us? This is a foreboding shadow.

We have entered the Twilight Zone. “Lyrical Pain” is light yet creepy. Trapped neither here nor there which leads into “Glitched Pain” which features Wildsilences. Imagine hearing breathing that is not breathing. The whispered acknowledgment of the disembodied voice of a tortured soul.

Track six is “Rose Altitude” and an electronic sound scape. A computerized heartbeat of a ghost of an organ reaches out without reply.

All computer data is essentially zeros and ones and maybe it is kept in the “Numeric Crypt“. I love the glitching, chirping sounds over the ambient music, as it just adds a new element.

Moire Hormones is the kind of track that makes you feel a little on edge with its inconsistent tones and rhythm.

The wondrous “Cybernetic Owl” breaks up the moody pall with its strange yet charming ethereal quality, indeed almost Zen like but finishing in noise.

Everyone knows these days about the Matrix, the centre of the computer mind and now “Archons In The Matrix”. This delicately reminds me also of the music in Akira.

Does artificial intelligence fear passing away and no longer existing on any plane? “Electronic N.D.E.” or electronic near death experience might be the equivalent of leaving the physical and going towards the light. But it isn’t time to go and return is inevitable to the last track, “Level 0“, the shortest and most loneliest of the tracks. It calls out to the world.

If you haven’t guessed now, the album is based on the Japanese manga/anime Ghost In The Machine, which looked at a future where a human’s conscience could be downloaded to a computer but with that came with all sorts of other issues including the knowledge of no longer being a human who could physically love because in the machine, it is cold and lonely.

Ghost In The Machine was also a huge influence on the movies of The Matrix, a futuristic society anchored to a programmer’s code.

You can both see and hear the Japanese influence on both the art and the music. This album is thoughtful and thought provoking as it digitally creates you a picture.

The album was released on Cian Orbe Netlabel and the artists, α Ori and Yakaanima are offering it to you for free. Sometimes good things can be free.








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